Making Light: How not to think
Making Light: How not to think
You know, whatever you think of today’s rulings on the pair of Ten Commandments cases (I haven’t followed the story in detail, and don’t really propose to argue about it), the fact is that “everybody’s unhappy, so it must be fair” is magical thinking. Justice isn’t a function of averaging.
I’m reminded of the number of times I’ve seen modern reporters and editors announce that they get flak from angry right-wingers and angry left-wingers alike, so they “must be doing something right”. (If I had LEXIS/NEXIS I could probably compile pages of links to media professionals regurgitating this odious cliché.) In 1859, many Americans were angry about slavery, and many other Americans were angry about the idea of limiting slavery. You know something? The justice of the matter wasn’t “halfway in between.” Quite the contrary, the radicals on one side were pretty much entirely right. Slavery was wrong.
I've always had an issue with that old bromide, "Modesty in everything, including modesty." Being right isn't about being conservative or liberal, radical or reactionary; it's about, well, being right. Even if you think the universe will implode when you're proven wrong, sometimes you can be right.
I'll have to take your word for it about being wrong. Luckily (knock on wood) it's never happened to me yet. :) Ask E-Man about it.
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